Protocolo de Comunicação para Redes Industriais Baseado em Ethernet


Summary. The research carried out here is closely related to the IARA project. The main focus here is designing a new Ethernet-based communication protocol capable of integrating hard and soft real-time traffics in a single Ethernet bus. The innovation here is the way the bus arbitration scheme is designed, making use of two logical rings together with a TDMA approach. The protocol is being called DoRiS, which stands for An Ethernet Double Ring Service for Real-Time Systems.

This research project is carried out in the context of the FAPESB call for proposal (Edital TIC 08/2006), which made it possible to establish a partnership with two software companies interested in the protocol, Rational Consultoria em Informática LTDA and COOPTECLIVRE – Cooperativa de Tecnologias Livres LTDA. There are also students involved in the research and implementations of the protocol.

Funding. FAPESB.
Period: Nov/2006-May/2008

Research team:
George Lima (Coordinator).
Ana Carolina Sokolonski (MSc student);
Marco Antônio Cariranha (Undergrad student);
José Augusto Santos Jr. (LaSiD, Undergrad student);
Paul Regnier (LaSiD, MSc student);

Coolaboration with:
Aline Andrade, Dra.
Flávio Assis Silva, Dr. 
Raimundo Macêdo, Dr. 
Luciano Porto Barreto, Dr.

Main results:
Up to now the DoRiS protocol has been proposed and formally specified in TLA+. We are now starting the implementation phase using RTAI operating system platform. Experiments to mesuare aspects relared to real-time in such a plataform is being modelled.


Deterministic Integration of Hard and Soft Real-Time Communication over Shared-Ethernet.
Paul Regnier and George Lima
In Anais do VII Workshop Brasileiro de Tempo Real.
Curitiba. 2006. p. 11-18. 2006.